
The Impact of Water Restriction on Pollen Viability and Pollen Tube Formation of the Pecan Cultivar 'Pawnee'


Characterization of Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes in Pecan (Carya illinoinesis)


Nutrient Uptake Channels/Genes of Pecans Allow Crosstalk Between Pecan and Its Immediate Environment

Paul Poster

Pollen characteristics between protandrous and protogynous pecan cultivars grown in New Mexico

Jay Poster

Elucidating the Role of Allergen Genes in Pecan

Anna Poster

Battling Alternate Bearing: Promoter Analysis of Flowering Genes in Pecan


Characterization of putative flowering genes located on Chromosome 4 in Carya illinoinesis


In Vitro Pathogenicity Assays Using Rhodococcus spp. Isolated from Bushy Top UCB-1 Pistachio rootstock (Pistacia integerrima X P. atlantica)

In Vitro Pathogenicity Assays Using Rhodococcus spp. Isolated from Bushy Top UCB-1 Pistatchio rootstock (Pistacia integerrima X P. atlantica)

Plant Microbiome Associations with Carya illinoinesis

Plant Microbiome Associations with Carya illinoinensis

Evaluation of biocontrol agents for controlling Chile diseases


Elucidating the Role Flowering Locus T Plays in Pecan Flower Development

Evaluation of biocontrol agents for controlling Chile diseases

Evaluation of GC/DMS for Detection of Aflatoxin

Evaluation of GC/DMS for Detection of Aflatoxin